Using the Product combinations generator Print

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Using the Product combinations generator

Use the Product Combinations Generator to create hundreds or even thousands of attribute combinations for a single product in just a few steps.

For example, you are selling an MP3 player that comes in 6 different colors and 3 different hard drive combinations. The basic 8 MB model sells for $100 and weighs 300 grams.

  1. In the Back Office, navigate to the product’s Product Page: Back Office > Catalog > [Product] (e.g., “iPod Nano”)
  2. Click on the Attributes tab.
  3. Click Product combinations generator.
  4. On the Attributes generator page, click the attribute group names on the right to expand.
  5. Holding down the Ctrl key (Cmd on the Mac), click to select all the attributes you want to include in order to create a specific model/attribute group.
  6. Click Add. The selected attributes appear in a form with fields for Price and Weight impact.
  7. Modify the Price and Weight impact fields accordingly (if applicable).
  8. In the Quantity field, type the quantity in stock of the created model/attribute group.
  9. In the Reference field, type the reference number for the created model/attribute group.
  10. Click Generate.
  11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 until all models/attribute groups have been created for the product.
  12. Click Back to product. The created model(s) appear on the Attributes tab.

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