You must correctly configure the Internet E-mail information service to send and receive messages in Outlook. To do this, you must have the following specific information about your e-mail account to manually configure it in Outlook. We provided you this information in your Welcome Letter:
- Your full e-mail address.
- The type of e-mail account: POP3, IMAP or HTTP.
- Your user name ( this will be your complete email address).
- Your password.
- The SMTP server name or address ( Please replace "" with your actual domain name.
- The POP3 server name or address ( Please replace "" with your actual domain name.
- Is Secure Password Authentication (SPA) required?
- The port number that is used for SMTP. (Most ISPs use port 25 or port 587.)
- Is encryption (SSL is most common) required for the port? - Zippo does not require this.
- The port number that is used for POP3. (Most ISPs use port 110.)
- Do you require encryption (SSL is most common) for the port? - Zippo does not require this.
- Does the outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) require authentication?
- If so, do you use my normal e-mail name and password? - Zippo does not require this. But if you use it you would utilize your complete email address and password.
Use one of the following methods to configure the Internet E-mail information service, as appropriate for the version of Outlook that you are running.
- Start Outlook.
- On the Tools menu, click to select E-mail Accounts.
- In the E-mail Accounts dialog box, click to select the Add a new E-mail Account option, and then click Next.
- In the Server Type dialog box, click POP3, and then click Next
- In the E-mail Accounts dialog box, enter the required information by using the following guidelines:
- User Information
- Your Name: This should be your full name.
- E-mail Address: Use the email address that you configured in your cPanel.
- Logon Information
- User Name: This is your complete email address - to include everything to the left and right of the at sign (@).
- Password: Enter your password.
- You may click to select the check box to have Outlook remember your e-mail account password.
- Server Information
- Incoming Mail Server (POP3): - Please replace "" with your actual domain name.
- Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): - Please replace "" with your actual domain name.
Note: Certain Internet Providers require that you use their Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - if you have a problem sending please check this Knowledge Base Article.
- User Information
- Click Test Account Settings. This is a new capability in Outlook. This feature calls a dialog box that displays, in a step-by-step manner, each phase of testing the configuration that you have just input. The following occurs when you click Test Account Settings:
- The connectivity of your system to the Internet is confirmed.
- You are logged on to the SMTP server.
- You are logged on to the POP3 server.
- It is determined if the POP3 server needs to be logged on to first. If necessary, Outlook automatically sets Log on to incoming mail server before sending mail.
- A test message is sent. This message explains any changes that Outlook made to your initial setup.
- Click More Settings. This takes you to the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box, where you may further modify your Internet e-mail account.
The Internet E-mail Settings dialog box
The information that you entered in the "How to Configure the Internet E-mail Information Service" section is added to various tabs in the Internet E-mail Settings dialog box. This is where you make modifications and changes to your Internet E-mail account.
General tab
The General tab is the location that you use to rename your e-mail account.
- Mail Account: Type a name for this account.
- Organization: The name of your company; not a required entry.
- Reply E-mail: This is optional and only used if you want replies to your messages sent to another e-mail address.
Outgoing Server tab
The Outgoing Server tab is new for Outlook. The Test Account Settings button sets all required fields on this tab.
Note This button is not available on this tab in Outlook 2007. This feature is available in the Account Settings dialog box. To locate this feature, click the account, and then click Change.
- The My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication check box: Click to select this check box to turn this setting on, and to select the type of log on authentication the server requires.
- The Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) check box. Click to select this check box only if your ISP instructs you to. Very few providers use this setting.
- The Log on to incoming mail server before sending mail check box. Many ISPs require that you receive messages first. It implies that you are an authenticated user, and are not using the ISP to send unwanted commercial messages (SPAM) to unsuspecting recipients.
Connection tab
- Connection Section
The Connection tab contains information about how to connect to your e-mail server. There are three ways to connect to your ISP's e-mail server. Select one of the appropriate connection type listed in this section.- Connect using my local area network (LAN): This connection allows you to log on to your e-mail server through your existing network connection. Your network configuration must support access to the Internet. Please see your network administrator for more details.
- Connect using my phone line: The Internet Mail Service looks for a Dialup Networking connection to establish a log on with your ISP. Once you are logged on to your ISP, it attempts to connect to your ISP's e-mail server. If this section is not available (grayed out), it may indicate that the Microsoft Windows Dialup Networking feature is not installed on your computer. Please refer to the "If Dialup Networking Is Not installed" section of this article for more information.
- Connect Using Internet Explorer's or a 3rd Party Dialer: If you click to select this option, Outlook uses a default connection method that has already been configured.
- Modem Section
- After you click Connect using my phone line, you must define a Dialup Networking connection to use. You can select an existing connection from the list, or you can click Add to create a new connection.
- To edit the properties of a connection, use the drop-down list box to select the desired connection, and then click Properties. This takes you to the existing connection's Properties page.
Advanced tab
The Advanced tab allows you to set the POP3 and SMTP server ports, define whether the server requires secure connection, and define server timeout settings and delivery settings. The delivery settings allow you to read a message, but leave the message on the server for a specified time. This feature is especially helpful if you use the same e-mail account from more than one computer.